Avoid These 4 Mistakes When Seeking a Fiancé Visa

Love knows no boundaries or borders. But the U.S. government certainly does. If you get engaged to someone who isn’t a U.S. citizen, you’ll need to navigate the process of obtaining a fiancé(e) visa, also known as a K-1 visa.

It’s probably not a process you’ll fall in love with, but a Dallas immigration lawyer can guide you through it. In this article, our attorney, Mark E. Jacobs, who’s handled fiancé and spousal visas for decades, highlights some of the pitfalls and hurdles of the K-1 visa process so you’ll know what to watch out for.

Mistake 1: Failing to Meet Eligibility Requirements

You must meet certain criteria to qualify for a fiancé(e) visa. For example, you must:

  • Have evidence that you are in a genuine relationship and have met in person within the last two years.
  • Demonstrate intent to marry within 90 days of the fiancé(e)’s entry into the U.S.
  • Submit proof that you can financially support your spouse.
  • Meet any other requirements under Texas or federal law.

In Texas, you’re ineligible for a K-1 visa if your relationship started as part of a dating service where K-1 applicants meet U.S. citizens.

Mistake 2: Documentation Problems

Even small errors in documents can cause huge problems. Writing the wrong name, date or location can make officials think you’re committing fraud, which can stop the entire process.

When you fill out forms, make sure that everything you write matches all your supporting documents. Have a loved one or friend review it—sometimes, their fresh eyes will spot errors you’ve missed. Never intentionally lie; it’s illegal, and the truth will most likely be discovered during security checks anyway.

Mistake 3: Not Having Enough Evidence

You must be able to show that you’re in a real relationship, not a relationship with someone you’ve just met. To do this, you’ll need to present quality material that illustrates an authentic, ongoing relationship.

Examples of good evidence include:

  • Documentation that you’ve gone on trips together
  • Photos together
  • Call and text histories
  • Written testimony from people who know you as a couple

Mistake 4: Not Preparing for the Interview

Your fiancé(e) will be interviewed by someone from the U.S. consulate. They’ll ask intimate questions as they try to decide whether your relationship is legitimate.

Your fiancé(e) should be ready to talk about everything from upcoming wedding plans to details about your family and background. Your fiancé(e) needs to be able to provide in-depth answers, not just some memorized phrases.

Get Help Obtaining a Fiancé(e) Visa in Texas

Family immigration lawyer Mark E. Jacobs is here to help you navigate the K-1 process. With a K-1 fiancé(e) visa, you can get married and start your life together. Call 972-445-7577 or contact our Dallas firm online to discuss your situation and how we can help.

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